The Vaping Help You Lose Weight?

There are a lot of questions out there about how vaping can impact your health. One of the most common questions that we get all the time is can vape help you lose weight?

The answer to this question might be much more complicated than people first believe.

Let's check it now:

Nicotine and Your Metabolism

One of the biggest impacts vaping will have on weight management has to do with nicotine.

There’s plenty of research that links nicotine with a higher metabolism. A higher metabolism means that your body is going to be burning more fat which will help keep the overall weight down.

There was a rebound effect with nicotine though. When individuals quit smoking they tend to experience weight gain as their metabolism resets back to normal.

Vaping can help individuals quit smoking while still keeping their metabolism high.

The nicotine in cigarettes may keep your weight down, but the other side effects and health consequences of smoking outweigh that weight management. Healthy individuals who do not smoke tend to see less benefit from this nicotine, especially when contrasted with the overall health consequences of smoking.  

This helps support nicotine vaping as an alternative to smoking cigarettes as well as a useful tool for helping people quit smoking.

Does Vaping Suppress Your Appetite?

Vaping may increase your metabolism, but it will not surprise your overall appetite.

This all comes down to how nicotine acts on the body. Nicotine increases metabolism, but it doesn’t actually change how hungry you feel. This means that individuals can wind up in a situation where they are eating more, but gaining fewer weight thanks to the higher metabolism.

This is another factor that causes increased weight gain after quitting smoking. Individuals are used to being able to eat more due to a higher metabolism. When your body stops getting so much nicotine, the metabolism goes down, but the food quantity stays high which can contribute to weight gain.

What About CBD Vapes?

Vaping doesn’t always have to involve nicotine. There are plenty of Vape products that use CBD.

There’s a lot of research that links CBD to positive weight loss. Let’s take a look at how this works on a chemical level in the body.

CBD is linked to a process known as fat browning.

There are two types of fat inside the body. White fat is the less healthy of the two. White fat is how the body stores energy on a long-term basis. Brown fat is fat the body is ready to burn as energy and is considered more healthy because it’s easier to burn and use.

CBD has been linked to an increase in brown fat in the body. It helps with the natural fat-burning process which can help individuals better manage their weight.

We’ve all heard about smoking cannabis products in the munchies, but CBD actually does not cause an increased appetite. In fact, there’s some compelling research that suggests that CBD can actually lower appetite.

This is because CBD Works differently in the endocannabinoid system than THC. CBD might actually be blocking some of the receptors that are responsible for the feeling of hunger.

These are just a few of the ways that CBD could impact weight management.

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